18 Jun
Scala User Group Düsseldorf: Reducing Boilerplate
von Scala User Group Düsseldorf | sipgate GmbH

Scala User Group Düsseldorf: Reducing Boilerplate

Einmal im Monat trifft sich die Scala Community Düsseldorf, um über aktuelle Trends zu diskutieren und Neuigkeiten rund um die Programmierung mit Scala auszutauschen. Dieses Mal steht Isaias Bartelborth auf der Agenda, der seinen Talk auf englisch hält.

Talk: Swinging cats with monocles – A motivational journey about reducing boilerplate

We will see, lenses, prisms, optics in general and the Scala optics library called monocle. After guiding everybody through the cool features monocle has to offer we will see it in action. The focus will be to see how monocle helps to reduce boilerplate code in a small application. It is a desktop application with a swing GUI that is wrapped with cats-effect and some more libraries.
Beginner to Intermediate, some basic knowledge of Scala is helpful but not required.

About Isaias Bartelborth

My name is Isaias Bartelborth and i work as a software engineer at Hivemind Technologies AG. I love coding Scala and also building small hardware applications in my spare time with Arduinos. My main interest in functional programming brought me to Scala 3 years ago. Up to now Scala is one of my favourite programming languages and it keeps impressing me.

Datum und Uhrzeit

Tue, 18. June 2019
18:00 Uhr – 21:00 Uhr

sipgate GmbH
Gladbacher Str. 74
40219 Düsseldorf

Scala User Group Düsseldorf