Web Engineering Meetup

Am Dienstag, 8.8.2023, ist das WebEngineering Meetup bei uns zu Gast. Es gibt direkt zwei spannende Talks aus dem Bereich der Webentwicklung:


• 18:00 – 18:50: Arrival, get a drink and socialize
• 19:00 – ~19:30: Talk #1 + Q&A
• 19:50 – ~20:20: Talk #2 + Q&A
• 20:25 – 22:00: Socialising

„Engineering vs. DDoS“ by Stefan Behte

Today, DDoS attacks plague the internet – not even Microsoft is safe from them and suffered word-wide outages in early June. Mitigating these attacks manually can be time-consuming, repetitive, expensive, and most importantly: annoying for the team. How did Babiel engineer better protection, especially for web-based attacks, so we can sit back while our automation protects our websites like bundestag.de or ukraine-wiederaufbauen.de against bad actors?

Stefan Behte is Head of Managed Services at Babiel GmbH and is responsible for keeping their systems online with his teams of engineers. He’s coming from a technical side and is enthusiastic about automation and security.

„CO² footprint in Web Development“ by Christian “Schepp” Schaefer

Our climate is stumbling from one negative record to another. There’s a lot of talk about coal-fired power plants and fossil fuels as accelerants of climate collapse. But what role do we web people play? Are we part of the problem? And if so, how can we become part of the solution?

Christian Schaefer, known as „Schepp“ (@derSchepp / @Schepp@mastodon.social), is a freelance frontend developer from Düsseldorf, Germany. Instead of hacking around with JS-Frameworks as almost every other frontend developer currently does, he works on traditional server-rendered component-based systems, uses bleeding edge CSS, has an eye on accessibility as well as the loading and runtime performance of a site. All of which didn’t stop him from meshing up his own client-side renderer, based on Twig.js, Web Workers, Redux and MorphDOM.

Beide Talks sind auf englisch.


Bitte beachtet, dass in unserem Innenhof nicht geparkt werden kann. Unseren Parkplatz findet ihr hinter unserem Büro auf der Plockstr. 14.

Wenn ihr mit der Bahn anreisen möchtet, steigt an der Haltestelle Wupperstraße (Straßenbahn 707 und 706) oder an der S-Bahnhaltestelle Völklingerstraße (S8, S11, S28) aus.

Datum und Uhrzeit

Tue, 8. August 2023
18:00 Uhr – 22:00 Uhr

sipgate GmbH
Gladbacher Str. 74
40219 Düsseldorf

Web Engineering Düsseldorf